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Whole Healing and Whole Soul

Amashen is concerned with complete healing, whole healing. From the body to the soul, from the personal to the environmental. When the empowerments are received we are given specific techniques to act as receptacles for the grace of Ama but the empowerments are far more than just techniques. Once we receive an empowerment we have it for good. We have been touched by Ama and we cannot be the same again. Even if we never use the technique and never once think of Amashen again that touch will have blessed our lives.


If we follow the instructions as carefully as we can and use the empowerments regularly Amashen also has a secret gift for us which we might easily miss. From the moment we receive the first empowerment everything in our lives without exception becomes coherent with the purpose of Ama. Our dreams, our fantasies, each thought and feeling, each encounter, every action, whatever happens to us, no matter what, is a gift from Ama. There is nothing left in our lives that does not relate to Ama. We have received Her touch, Her blessing. Now, everything that touches us is Her touch. If we fail to take notice of this fact then the gift will go to waste. When we receive the Eternal Presence of Ama, in order to enjoy the gift, we must unwrap it.


The more we accept this Presence the more the miraculous will manifest  in our lives. Small miracles. Little "coincidences". Synchronicities will come to guide our souls. Then, one day, we will say to ourselves "I didn't know that was possible!" Ama makes the impossible possible, then probable and finally, inevitable.


There will still be difficulties. Our lives may even become harder but we will grow stronger and we will be amazed at who we have become. We will have become our Self. We will have become Ama and nothing will ever stop us from knowing who we are and fulfilling our lives.


This is the Presence of Ama and Her promise is a never-ending gift. Please accept it.



Amashen is available:


1. When we need to be reminded that we are loved or when someone we know needs love.


2. When we or someone we know needs healing or help with any situation past, present or future.


3. When we or someone we know needs protection from injustice.


4. Whenever forgiveness is needed.


5 When freedom from conflict is our need or the need of others.


6. When the guidance of wisdom is required.


7. Ama's complete embrace is available should we need it or should others need it from us, for we are Ama.

As our hearts beat they resound as shamanic drums throughout time and space; their echoes reach into the deep past and resonate in the souls of our ancestors. When we reconcile ourselves with ourselves, when we no longer wage war upon our own souls, we bring peace to those who walked the path before us. When we bring peace to those who walked the path before us we bring peace to ourselves. When we bring peace to ourselves we bring peace to the world.

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