May your immediate
need be met.
May your deepest
need be met.
If you have a need, whatever that need may be, and your need comes from your heart, Amashen is available to meet that need.
Amashen is:
An opening to love
Revealing what needs healing
A shield from injustice
A release from blame and guilt
Freedom from conflict
A blessing of wisdom
Ama's complete embrace
Amashen introduces us to profound healing emerging from the womb of unlimited potential hidden deep within all of us through the reception of seven empowerments which invite us to expand our sense of identity beyond the ordinary restrictions of a separate self.
Amashen meets us where we are without any expectation to adopt any beliefs or to trust in anyone other than who we already are.
Amashen is available to help us become who we already are. Amashen is a means by which we can know who we are.
Amashen is a gift from the Mother of the Heart, presented to us through seven empowerments in order to meet our needs whatever those needs may be.
There is no requirement to believe in anything other than ourselves, although here it is suggested that who we are is much more than who we seem to be.
Amashen is a gift of whole healing which works on issues which arise from the deepest places within as well as those which appear on the surface of who we appear to be.
For those of us who meditate Amashen is meditation. For those who pray, it is prayer. For those who need healing, it is healing. It is meditation, it is prayer and it is healing.
Amashen is a silent prayer of the heart which as soon as it is asked is already answered. Amashen takes healing to where it is truly needed - it heals on the surface of who we are and it also heals our deepest wounds.
The complete practice of Amashen is the embrace of everyday life just as it is.
Some will be drawn to it for its therapeutic power. Others will see it as a spiritual technique. It is both and it is more than both. It helps to make us whole. It has the power to heal very deep wounds in the psyche and enable healing on a physical level. Its main strength is noticed when it is practised regularly over time. Then its effect is cumulative. It can bring issues to the surface which, once we become aware of them, can be dissolved in our awareness. It confronts us with the need to be more fully accepting of ourselves as we truly are so that we can unfold and grow as we are meant to.
Amashen is a way by which we can heal the deepest wounds including the wound caused by the apparent separation from our source. Ama is that source as Mother, and Shen is Her Eternal Presence. She is always with us even if we are unaware of Her Presence. Amashen is given to us through seven empowerments each of which is a gift which presents us with a challenge. One of these challenges is trust. The challenge of trust and the willingness to accept love is probably the first one we encounter. The degree to which we can trust this gift determines the depth of our reception.
Amashen is concerned with healing in its deepest and most complete sense. It is concerned with our wholeness in body, mind, and soul. To put it another way, Amashen is all about helping us to become who we already are, helping us to fulfil our birthright so that we can inherit the gift from Mother Consciousness and helping us to shed the layers of accumulated conditioning which have prevented us from claiming ourselves.
We tend to think of healing as the curing of disease, the relief of troubling symptoms and the correction of disturbance. This is true as far as it goes. Yet to go deeper into the mystery of healing requires us to accept that, if we want to be fully healed, to become complete, it is the Original Wound which must be dealt with. The rift between us and our Source must be crossed and all division and divisiveness need to be seen as illusory. For wholeness to reach from our depths to the surface it can happen in an instant or it can take some time. If wholeness needs time then we must give it time. It is worth waiting for.
It is important to remember that all the techniques given with these Amashen empowerments are holistic. Amashen is Whole Healing. What this means is that the empowerments embrace our whole lives as well as our environment which is a reflection of ourselves, a mirror for the soul. More than this: the psyche and the cosmos are not as separate as they appear to be. The soul is the universe and the universe is embraced by Ama; as we, in our deepest being, are also embraced by Ama. In practical terms, what this means is that Amashen includes all aspects of our lives and can direct us towards a priest, a counsellor, a friend, a lawyer, doctor, a healthcare professional or even a hospital if that is what we need.
To receive an empowerment please go to the contact page